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Additional visitation will be hel?

Additional visitation will be from 10 AM until the time of funeral services at 11 AM, on Monday, Ja?

Locations in Kittanning, Elderton, Dayton and Rimersburg, Pennsylvania. 724-545-9464 Number for all locations. 724-545-9464 Number for all locations. 4, 2024, at the Sligo United Methodist Church, 506 Penn Street, Sligo, PA 16255, with. Contact Us. 724-545-9464 Number for all locations. best lease offers right now If you’re in Pennsylvania and looking to bring home a Cavapoo, it’s essential to find a reputable breeder. Friends and family will be received from 2-4 and 6-8 PM on Monday, Mar. Additional visitation will be from 10 AM until the time of funeral services at 11 AM on Saturday, Nov. 724-545-9464 Number for all locations. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Angela for Penelope's education fund, 4311 Route 68, Rimersburg, PA 16248. forums sdn anesthesia Locations in Kittanning, Elderton, Dayton and Rimersburg, Pennsylvania. Locations in Kittanning, Elderton, Dayton and Rimersburg, Pennsylvania. , 515 North McKean Street, Kittanning, PA. Additional visitation will be from 1 p until the time of funeral services at 4 p on Sunday, Nov. Additional visitation will be held from 10 a until the time of services at 11 a on Saturday, March 12, 2022 at the Bauer Funeral Home with Rev. used snow blower Founded in 1999, the company has grown to become one of the most respected and trusted funera. ….

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